On to the Five Factors
1) Character. There are some great and memorable characters in both books, however they suffer, in my opinion from some structural flaws. As you may have guessed from the titles of the books, which say very little about the books individually and really only make for good book jackets, this is a series about assassins. Assassins are romantic favorites for many young fantasists. They're dark, ruthless, and mysterious, and these things can make them appear sexy. In popular fiction, assassins are good fodder for paperback drivel, think Jason Bourne
2) Cliche. I've already touched on the main cliche, use of an Assassin as a main character. There have been some great fantasy assassins on my shelves. Hugh the Hand is an old favorite, from Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman's Deathgate Cycle, a truly phenomonal series. The assassin cliche is this: Embittered embodiment of death, ninja-like stealth, a vast array of dainty killing instruments, Ruthless Assassin ("RA") whose soul has been so destroyed by his evil work, killing innocents/killing in coldblood, loneliness and disconnection, finally meets the gig he can't deliver on and finds that he is afterall a human being. In The Way of Shadows, the RAs deviate from this model in that they have friends, loves, even children. Moreover, a lot of their jobs are won through blunt force. One man against twenty palace guards, fighting with British long swords in open passageways. Stealth is only occasionally applied, and is even more rarely successful. Steven Erikson does a better job with his assassin, Kalaam in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Kalaam, is a cold hearted killer, who is at the same time imensely intriguing and a hero of the series. There is never a question about his tempermant, where Durzo Blint is prone to massive episodes of excessive drinking and disorderly conduct. Disorderly assassins are dead assassins. But not in the Night Angel Trilogy. Robin Hobb
Look, I don't have a problem with deviations from the cliche, but this rational divide is never adequately explained. Coldblooded killers can't have regular lives. If they did, they'd be constantly asking themselves the questions that would surely undermine their work. To be sure, Kylar and Durzo have a host of emotional issues, but neither of them are cold blooded enough to be entirelely believable as assassins. Perhaps this was Week's intention, modern fantasists attempt to break through cliches rather than use them. But in this case, the attempt was not executed well. Only two of the stories assassins, both minor characters, really fit with the cliche, and both are evil, blood thirsty menaces.
A third cliche, begun in the second book, The Shadow's Edge, is the concept of a sisterhood of magic users, very much like Jordan's Aes Sedai or Goodkind's
Sisters of the Dark. There's not much substance to it, so I won't waste your time.
3) Scope: Few novels pack the scope of The Wheel of Time
There are at least three, four nations in The Night Angel Trilogy, though the action in the first book takes place almost entirely in one city. They are "modern nations" in that little history of the warring nations is discussed save for the most recent. The encroaching empire of the evil GodKing, is one nation, and is pivotal to the story. To be sure, The Night Angel series has a myth structure, centered around one character who I can't name without spoiling the first book. There's a wide world out there in Week's Night Angel, but its still sketchy. I can only describe it with the use of a poor metaphor. Worlds like these are like reading about other countries in a newspaper, vague and impersonal unless you know a lot about them already. World's like the Wheel of Time, are like holding up a lantern in a darkened room. Everything out there is hinted at by vague shapes in the darkness, and yet, has a reality which is undeniable and fascinating. Hobb's world was similar to the Night Angel's save that her second series The Liveship Traders
4) Magic. Week's system of magic is poorly defined. But it doesn't really detract from the action. For most of the characters, magic is used as assassins would use it, for stealth, crawling up walls, disappearing, charming, etc. There are brief descriptions. It's rechargable by sunlight in most cases, and it's also called Vir. And magic users who are "Talented" usually join various schools of magic which irrevocably shape the direction of their skills. The GodKing and his minions have it in spades, and his Vurdmeisters are formidable killers. There seems to be an endless supply of mages in both books for Kylar to kill. And then of course, there are magic swords, and magical stones, which are the source of The Night Angel's power. However, Weeks does an excellent job of creating horrors like the Ferrali in Shadow's Edge. I won't bother to describe, it's pretty gross, and you should read it and find out. Click on the amazon associates logos above and I'll get cents for your efforts! These things require magic to function, and even if the technique is never explained, the images Weeks creates are worth discovering on your own.
5) Theme. This is a fantasy for city boys and girls. All of the action takes place in busy cities which are ruled by a criminal underworld which is known to be cruel, and yet is at the same time benevolent (don't get me started on that contradiction). The settings are rooftops and ceilings, corridors and passage ways. If this series has a theme at all, it's a sort of proletariat pick yourself up by the bootstraps and kick ass feel. Even so, it's a fairly cosmopolitan tale involving child abuse, both sexual and physical, holy rollers, insane killers ignorant nobles, and the types of poverty that are more common in early industrial cities, not preindustrial societies like the Night Angel world. Kylar's struggle to be a good human being, to find love and happiness, to grow up and "be a mensch" fit with the above mentioned cliche, and provide a cluttered story a stable protaganist to follow.
On the whole, these books are worth a read. Borrow them if you can, but if not they're in paper back and the whole series is fairly cheap. Or go E-book, the cover art is pretty lame so you won't be missing much. None of the weaponry wielded by the photographed model on the cover are used by Kylar or Durzo, who predominantly kill with sword and daggers, so you definitely can't go by my earlier suggestion of buying based on the cover.
Note to Publishers: Avoid trilogies. I never get through them anymore. Go big or go home.
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